Please overlook some spelling mistakes. I hope to avoid most of them
And don’t be sad if your horoscope doesn’t sound so great for this month. In the end it all depends on yourself, whether this will get a happy month or not. So keep on trying your best and have some fun
And if you didn’t already tried my astro love test, then NOW is the best time: Astro Love Test !
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This is the perfect time for you! Much luck awaits you in the field of love, same as at school!
The air is sparkling full of love. No time to feel sleepy.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Spring will start soon and you are already in spring-time love mood. That’s not the time to lament! Some magic moment are waiting for you. So grab your cutie if you already have one, or try to find a nice partner, to share those early spring feelings.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
The spring will start with a fresh breeze for you. You should feel full of energy! There will be some new possibilities for you in the field of love and also at school. Try to catch those butterflies in your stomach and don’t let go of those great opportunities.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
There are plenty of possibilities for you this month. But you need to grab your luck with your own hands! Be proactive now and you can catch your dreams!
If you are still on the search for love, try to grab your courage at the end of this month!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
This month you should try to grab some energy out of your love life. Some romantic moments are waiting for you! But you may have some problems at school. But don’t be sad, it should get better by the end of this month. In the field of love: think about what you want! Do you want to enjoy your life to the full or do you prefer to live a save lifestyle with your honey.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
This is the best moment to fight for your luck! There are plenty of promising moments in the fields of love AND school! Get active so you won’t miss them.
In the field of love: try to search for those butterflies in your stomach!
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Just in time for the beginning of spring, there are some tingly surprises waiting for you. Also in the field of school and money there could be an easement. Don’t let go of those chances!
Your motto this month could be: “team play”!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You are full of power, that’s great! Try to realize some plans you already have for a long time! From the middle of the month onwards, also your schoolwork should get more easy.
With a new love you should wait until April, but you’re maybe interested in a Taurus, a Gemini, a Leo, a Scorpio or a Sagittarius.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
With a new kick of power you will be gliding to success very fast! There are many great chances waiting for you. This could also mean some new money!
This month could also be the start of a new love. But this probably won’t be love at first right, so hold your eyes open also for the unobvious possibilities.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Your love life can be a little complicated this month. But therefore you will have some great possibilities in school! Try to use this month to advance your grades a little.
You have a special charisma this month and other people want to share some time with you.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Your Cupid may oversleep the start of spring. There won’t be many flirts this month for you, sorry! Also your work at school may increase. Try to hang in there and you may earn some good marks for doing so.
Try to keep a smile on your face too, although there might be an uneasy time waiting for you.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
That’s a month with some problems. But if you did all right in the past, then you shouldn’t be scared, because you also may be rewarded for your hard work.
If you are still on the search for love, you should even wait a little longer.
I’m a Sagittarius my love life could be complicated :’( tear well what ever!

-love ya michie
um im a capricorn and my horoscope is wrong i hav a bff
i’m a virgo!